Edea CONCERTO skating boots


Boot size 235, 240, 245, 250, 255, 260
Widths C
Perfomence Triple / Quad Jumps
Support 85 Extra strong
Brand EDEA
Availability All sizes may not be in stock. Kindly enquire about the availability before ordering. Delivery time can be 1-4 Months
Before you order please ask for availability and consult with us to get the right model and size for you

Non EU price:



Edea CONCERTO skating boots


The Concerto boot has been designed for high-end performance ice skating. Edea have used all their experience and know-how to produce a boot that combines modern technology with the traditional look. The extra strength in this boot means it is often the choice for male skaters or pairs who require the extra support needed for high jumps.

All sizes may not be in stock. Kindly enquire about the availability before ordering. Delivery time can be 2-4 weeks

Additional information

Boot size 235, 240, 245, 250, 255, 260
Widths C
Perfomence Triple / Quad Jumps
Support 85 Extra strong
Brand EDEA
Availability All sizes may not be in stock. Kindly enquire about the availability before ordering. Delivery time can be 1-4 Months
Before you order please ask for availability and consult with us to get the right model and size for you

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