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Campaign “EC Kaunas 2024”

Valuable prizes will be drawn between everyone who buys RISPORT boots or Risport skates in the period 11.09.2023 and 13.01.2024

Icestar in FLOWROOM Tallinn, Icestar KAUNAS, and e-shop www.icestar.ee

GIFT CARDS for the purchase of new RISPORT skates

1x 300 eur
1x 200 eur
3x 100 eur

The Winners will be announced on 13.01.2024 at the European Championships in Kaunas

The winners of the campaign have been announced! Between anyone who bought RISPORT boots , the following prizes were drawn: ICESTAR gift cards for the purchase of new Risport skates or boots:

1x EUR 300: Invoice no. 233493 (03.12.23)

1x EUR 200: Invoice no. 50352 (01,12.23)

3x EUR 100: Inv. no. 240036 (04.01.24) & 233291 (14.11.23) & 230479 (13.11.23)


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