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EM Kaunas 2024

Kõik kes ostavad ajavahemikul 11.09.23 kuni 13.01.2024 Risport uisud või uisusaapad, osalevad loosimises ja võivad võita hinnalisi auhindu. KINKEKAARDI uute RISPORT uiskude ostmiseks 1x 300 EUR1x 200 EUR3x 100 EUR Võitjad kuulutatakse välja Euroopa Meistrivõistluste eelviimasel päeval13.01.2024 Kaunases  Icestar in Flowroom TALLINN, Icestar KAUNAS, E-pood Icestar Loosimise tulemused on selgunud: Kinkekaardid uute Risport uiskude ostmiseks […]

AURA SKY 200 & SKY 100

The most unique and special boot yet to be created Made in Canada and born of more than 25 years of relentless innovation, AURA combines years of research with revolutionary technology to deliver a figure skates unlike any.            Design Innovation. ELEVATE YOUR PERFORMANCE TO ACHIEVE GREATNESS. Holding a bachelor of […]

2022 Juunioride Maailmameitrivõistlused Tallinnas

The 2022 World Junior Figure Skati 13-17 aprillini toimuvad Tallinnas Tondiraba jäähallis Juunioride maailmameistrivõistlused iluuisutamises. Tule kaasaelama maailma parimatele iluuiutajatele ja külasta Icestar pop-up poodi. Paneme Juunioride MM tähed särama!! ERIHIND 399€ Edea ICE FLY Risport PRIME John Wilson GOLD SEAL Kampaania 10.03 – 24.04.2022 Hinnad kehtivad FLOWROOMIS ja e-poes www.icestar.ee  kampaania raames tehtud ostudele muud kliendisoodustused ei […]

“4+1 CONTINENTS” Müügikampaania

Kõikide vahel, kes ostavad ajavahemikul 11.11.2021 kuni 23.01.2022 RISPORT uisud/ uisusaapad või JOHN WILSON tuisuerad, loositakse välja hinnalised auhinnad: ICESTAR kinkekaardid uute uiskude või terade ostmiseks: 1x 300 eurot 2x 200 eurot 3x 100 eurot Kampaania võitjad on selgunud ! ICESTAR kinkekaardid uute uiskude või terade ostmiseks: 1x 300 eurot: Arve nr. 213555 (18.12.21) 2x […]

2022 Euroopa & 4 Kontinendi Meistrivõistlused Iluuisutamises Tallinnas

Milline ainulaadne võimalus siin Eestis! Suurimad uisunimed Tallinnas kaks nädalat järjest! Kaks nädalat põnevaid võistlusi ja kaks nädalat unustamatuid uisumälestusi. Vahetult enne Pekingi olümpiamänge! Ära jäta seda võimalust kasutamata ja tule ise võistlusi vaatama! Siinsamas Tondiraba jäähallis.Aitäh meie sponsoritele Risport ja John Wilson, kes aitasid meil luua suurimat kampaaniat, mis meil kunagi olnud on! Loe […]


2020 World Junior Figure Skating Championships

What an incredible week of Junior Worlds in Tallinn, our home! It was a delight to see fans come together all around the world to cheer for their favorite young skaters. All Icestar best partners RISPORT, JOHN WILSON, MK, EDEA, JACKSON, Ridell showcased the bestsellers at the event, but mostly we were just so happy […]


A ground-breaking design for artistic inline figure skates.  The three-wheel rockered design is the latest step in the evolution from clunky roller skates to an advanced tool for graceful movement on wheels.  Snow White® is extremely lightweight and highly maneuverable. Inline figure skaters will love how the shorter frame length allows tighter turns and closer footwork. With its […]

Best selling blades in the world!

John Wilson and Mitchel King blades are bestselling blades in the world. All the gold medals from Sochi 2014 were won by skaters who use John Wilson and Mitchel King blades! * Women – Adelina Sotnikova / Gold seal * Men – Yuuru Hanyu / Pattern 99 revolution parabolic * Ice Dance – Meryl Davis, […]

ISU – Junior Grand Prix “Amber Cup”

ISU Junior Grand Prix series is the most prestigious junior figure skating event. One of the 7 competitions took place on September 5-8, 2018 in Kaunas (Lithuania). We were very proud, that JIV Sport was the main sponsor of this big event in Lithuania.

Tallinn ICESTAR Cup 2016

29.04-01.05.2016 skating complex Tondiraba Ice Hall a held first Tallinn Icestar Cup. We had participants from 6 countries – Sweden, Finland, France, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia! Thank You for all attendees,we hope that you spend memorable days and get the best emotions from our competition Tallinn Icestar Cup and coming back next Year !

10 000 pairs of skates sold !!!

Icestar has been the skates supplier in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania for nearly 15 years, and fall of 2016 we are reached a magic number: 10 000 sold skates! We thank everyone for helping us get here and we hope in the future we will be still your first choice on choosing new skates and garments! […]

2015 Icestar Kaunas opening

We wait it long and now it’s open – the first professional figure skating store in Lithuania “Icestar Kaunas”. We have all, that skaters need and Icestar Shop is located in Kaunas, K.Petrauskas 19A, only 250m from the Icerink.

New web page www.icestar.lt

Today is a special day for Icestar! We have launched a new web page specially for Lithuanian skaters and skating fans in their own language!Please visit www.icestar.lt and we hope you will find all what you need.

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